[Armadillo:03817] Re: Tamper detection in Armadillo 500.

Takenoshita Koyo email@hidden
2008年 12月 16日 (火) 16:03:28 JST

> I can see from the "MCIMX31 and MCIMX31L Applications Processors
> Reference Manual" that there is a tamper detection GPIO pin in the
> MCIMX31. I can see too that there is no way out for that signal in the
> Armadillo 500 board. Is it right?. Anyhow, is there a Linux module for
> this feature?

The device driver of GPIO is

GPIO(CON16) of the development board can be simply controlled by 
reading and writing the file that exists under 
/sys/devices/platform/armadillo5x0_gpio.0/ports directory.

By writing 1 to "gpio* _dir" is to set the direction of GPIO as input
pin. Where as writing 0 is to set the direction of GPIO as output pin.

The GPIO status can be read from "gpio* _data" when the setting
direction is INPUT, and also the output level of GPIO can be set when
direction is OUTPUT by writing the data to this variable.
(0: Low, 1: High)

Koyo Takenoshita

armadillo メーリングリストの案内