[Armadillo:00183] Reply What you query

研三部_楊禮謙 email@hidden
2005年 3月 23日 (水) 17:06:11 JST

Dear Morishima san:

         We have some questions which mailed yesterday

         Can you tell us bellow questions

                       Angus mail from EMINE 



From: 研三部_楊禮謙 
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 5:26 PM
To: 'email@hidden'
Cc: 'email@hidden'; 'Makoto Umemura (Ume)'
Subject: FW: [Armadillo:00176] Re: Why I can not satrt up Etherent function,please help us to resolve to





From: 研三部_吳志忠 
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 4:42 PM
To: email@hidden
Cc: 研三部_楊禮謙
Subject: RE: [Armadillo:00176] Re: Why I can not satrt up Etherent function,please help us to resolve to


Dear Morishima san,

Thank you very much .We is already done.

1. About serial number: 0312021-00238 and firmware version: base 1.07

2. We use product found some problems as following:

 2.1. Could you inform us what is different between base.img and base-1.11.img?

 2.2. When startup the armadillo then using discover.exe that is not get IP by auto.

     Note: The IP has got while using ifconfig command to make sure.

 2.3 .According to Startup Guide 7.Troubleshooting item 7,5 item.

     We using serial communication port::21347 with Hyperternimal and is not work.

    Could you inform us how to solve the problem?

 2.4 As following all software's version:

    uClinux is v1.3.4.

    Linux kernel is v2.4.22-uc0-aj1.

                        Wishes you and have a good day!

                            Emine Techonlogy Company.Ltd

                            R&D Dept.  Jones.Wu




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