[Armadillo:04039] armadillo240 serial connection
Elmar Mair
2009年 2月 11日 (水) 21:42:17 JST
I tried to connect the Armadillo240 to the PC using the serial interface
(COM3). Although, I do not have any problem logging me in over Ethernet,
I cannot establish a working connection over RS232. I am using the
minicom console, with 115200 baud, 8 data and 1 stop bit and no hardware
or software flow control. I also tried several other configurations
without result and according to the hardware manual this configuration
should be the right one. Did you already experience any similar problem
or do you know what I do wrong? During boot time I get a lot of
characters, which make no sense - hitting the Enter-button after booting
I get a "C". I hope that you can help me, because I have no further idea
what could be the problem. In any case, thank you in advance!
Best regards
Elmar Mair
armadillo メーリングリストの案内