[Armadillo:08096] UVC対応カメラについて

Isamu Zakoji email@hidden
2012年 6月 20日 (水) 01:30:39 JST


Armadillo-420に、Logicool C270 を接続して利用しようとしているのですが、
mjpg_streamer の起動で

 MJPG-streamer [1645]: Error grabbing frames

とりあえず、mjpg_streamer の最新ソースを

[email@hidden (ttyp0) ~]# mjpg_streamer -i "/usr/lib/mjpg_streamer/input_uvc.so
--device /dev/video0 --yuv --resolution QVGA --fps 10"
MJPG Streamer Version: svn rev:
 i: Using V4L2 device.: /dev/video0
 i: Desired Resolution: 320 x 240
 i: Frames Per Second.: 10
 i: Format............: YUV
 i: JPEG Quality......: 80
Adding control for Pan (relative)
Control exists: File exists
Adding control for Tilt (relative)
Control exists: File exists
Adding control for Pan Reset
Control exists: File exists
Adding control for Tilt Reset
Control exists: File exists
Adding control for Pan/tilt Reset
Control exists: File exists
Adding control for Focus (absolute)
Control exists: File exists
mapping control for Pan (relative)
Mapping exists: File exists
mapping control for Tilt (relative)
Mapping exists: File exists
mapping control for Pan Reset
Mapping exists: File exists
mapping control for Tilt Reset
Mapping exists: File exists
mapping control for Pan/tilt Reset
Mapping exists: File exists
mapping control for Focus (absolute)
Mapping exists: File exists
mapping control for LED1 Mode
Mapping exists: File exists
mapping control for LED1 Frequency
Mapping exists: File exists
mapping control for Disable video processing
Mapping exists: File exists
mapping control for Raw bits per pixel
Mapping exists: File exists
 o: www-folder-path...: disabled
 o: HTTP TCP port.....: 8080
 o: username:password.: disabled
 o: commands..........: enabled
Unable to start capture: Input/output error
 i: Error grabbing frames


 Unable to start capture: Input/output error




Isamu Zakoji

armadillo メーリングリストの案内